1. 本硕:北京科技大学
2. 博士学位:德国亚琛工业大学
1. 2018.12~2020.12 助理研究员
2. 2021.01~至今 副研究员
何金珊,副研究员,国家重点研究计划重点专项首席青年科学家,北科青年学者。目前主要从事先进钢铁及高温合金的服役损伤行为研究。以第一作者/通讯作者在国内外SCI学术期刊发表了30余篇Top论文, 包括Materials Science & Engineering A、Journal of Materials Research & Technology、Materials Characterization、Engineering Fracture Mechanics和金属学报等专业领域著名期刊,申请国家发明专利6项。主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、重大项目和和大中型企业合作等项目。
1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项,抗疲劳高止裂非均质组织风电用钢研究,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金,具有低层错能的新型γ′相强化钴基单晶高温合金低周疲劳损伤机制,主持
3. ****基础科研计划预研项目,******,主持
4. 广东省重点研发计划,高温合金多尺度全流程制备研发及应用示范,参与
5. 东方电气汽轮机有限公司, 燃机定向凝固合金MarM247LC长时静态时效和蠕变微观组织演化研究,主持
6. 中央高校基本科研业务费青年人才培养基金,超级奥氏体不锈钢热加工的多尺度组织调控,主持
7. 莱钢,420MPa级风电用钢板焊接疲劳性能机理研究与应用,参与
8. 中广核,中广核-北科大先进能源材料与服役安全联合研发中心科技合作服务,参与
1. Rui Liu, Xitao Wang, Pinpin Hu, Chengbo Xiao, Jinshan He*, Low cycle fatigue behavior of micro-grain casting K4169 superalloy at room temperature, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International [J]., 2022, 32(6): 693-699
2. Yue Wang, Xitao Wang, Rui Liu, Pinpin Hu, Chengbo Xiao, Jinshan He*,Improved Tensile Properties of Micro-grain Casting K447A Alloy, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A [J]., 2022
3. Shiguang Xu, Jinshan He*, Runze Zhang, Fucheng Zhang, Xitao Wang, Hot deformation behaviors and dynamic softening mechanisms of 7Mo super-austenitic stainless steel with high stacking fault energy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology [J]., 2023,23: 1738-1752
4. Runze Zhang, Jinshan He*, Shiguang Xu, Fucheng Zhang, Xitao Wang*, The roles of Ce and Mn on solidification behaviors and mechanical properties of 7Mo super austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology [J]., 2023,22: 1238-1249
5. Runze Zhang, Jinshan He*, Shiguang Xu, Yizhan Ma, Fucheng Zhang, Xitao Wang*,A σ phase-γ phase orientation relationship observed in solidification of the 7Mo super-austenitic stainless steel [J]., 2022, 21: 1248-1255
6. Bohao Ma,Xitao Wang,Gang Xu,Jinwu Xu andJinshan He *, Prediction of Creep Curves Based on Back Propagation Neural Networks for Superalloys, Materials[J], 2022, 15(19), 6523
7. Zhenhuan Gao, Yuhui Sun, Nan Liu, Xitao Wang, Jinshan He*, Role of stress on creep behaviors for MarM247LC DS superalloy, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures [J]., 2022
8. Jinshan He, Xuanlei Wang, Haijing Zhou, Xitao Wang, Low cycle fatigue of a γ’-strengthened Co-based single crystal superalloy at 900 °C, Materials Characterization [J]., 2022
9. Jinshan He, Xiaofei Guo*, Junhe Lian, Sebastian Münstermann, Wolfgang Bleck*, Delayed cracking behavior of a meta-stable austenitic stainless steel under bending condition, Materials Science & Engineering A[J]., 2019, 768:138470
10. Jinshan He, Zhengrong Yu, Longfei Li*, Xitao Wang, Qiang Feng, Effect of grit blasting and subsequent heat treatment on stress rupture property of a Ni based single crystal superalloy SGX3, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) [J]., 2020,
11. Jinshan He, Zhengyin Piao, Xitao Wang*, Junhe Lian*, Sebastian Münstermann, Micromechanical modeling of cleavage fracture for a ferritic-pearlitic steel, Engineering Fracture Mechanics [J]., 2020, 186, 105–119
12. Jinshan He, Min Zou, Longfei Li*, Xitao Wang*, Qiang Feng, Creep behavior of a novel CoNi-base single-crystal superalloy at high temperature and low stress, Materials Letters[J]., 2020, 262:127042
13. Jinshan He, Junhe Lian*, Anke Aretz, Napat Vajragupta, Ude Hangen, Frank Goodwin, Sebastian Münstermann, Fracture properties of zinc coating layers in a galvannealed steel and an electrolytically galvanized steel, Materials Science & Engineering A [J]., 2018, 732: 320-325
14. Jinshan He, Junhe Lian*, Georg Golisch, An He, Yidu Di, Sebastian Münsterman, Investigation on micromechanism and stress state effects on cleavage fracture of ferritic-pearlitic steel at −196 °C, Materials Science & Engineering A [J]., 2017, 686: 134-141
15. Jinshan He, Junhe Lian*, Georg Golisch, Xiaodong Jie, Sebastian Münstermann, A generalized Orowan model for cleavage fracture, Engineering Fracture Mechanics[J].,2017, 186: 105–118
16. Jinshan He, Xitao Wang, Yang Zhang, Yameng Zhao, Hailong Zhang*, Thermal conductivity of Cu–Zr/diamond composites produced by high temperature–high pressure method, Composites: part B[J].,2015, 68: 22–26
17. Jinshan He; Hailong Zhang; Yang Zhang; Yameng Zhao; Xitao Wang* ,Effect of boron addition on interface microstructure and thermal conductivity of Cu/diamond composites produced by high temperature-high pressure method , Physica Status Solidi A[J], 2014.03, 211(3):587~594.
1. 一种低碳抗疲劳风电用钢板及制备方法,202111200081.6
2. 一种高温合金的蠕变曲线预测方法,202210588091.X
3. 消除含有RE元素的超级奥氏体不锈钢中σ相的热处理工艺,202011235048.2
4. 一种多相复合高强高韧低密度钢及制备方法,202111620047.4
5. 一种耐腐蚀高强度轻质钢及制备方法,202110065205.8